What we offer

Sebenza Township Establishment Administrative Services offer administrative services which can effectively assist town planners, project managers and developers with the formalization process to convert farm land into a township as depicted an a General Plan with erven, parks and streets.

Conveyancer’s certificates indicating how the title conditions in the title deeds for the land can influence the layout of the proposed township More...
  • Identification of all the applicable title conditions noted against the title deeds of the affected land, as well as any other impediments which may impact on the proposed development of the land.
  • Obtaining copies of servitude documents and servitude diagrams, where required.
  • Recommendations on how to dispose of the title conditions for township establishment purposes.
  • Summarizing of all the steps that must be taken to open the township register.
 Settling of the conditions of establishment to meet the Deeds Office requirements More...
  • Checking the pre-proclamation and disposal of title conditions sections of the conditions of establishment.
  • Comparing the conditions of establishment with the small scale diagrams, General Plan and title deeds for the affected property or properties.
  • Aligning the conditions of establishment with the small scale diagrams, General Plan and title deeds to meet the requirements of the Deeds Office.
Opening of township registers in terms of all types of legislation More...
  • Comparing the approved General Plan, small scale diagrams and township title with the conditions of establishment.
  • Coordinating the compliance with the conditions of establishment.
  • Plotting and qualifying the title conditions for the township title.
  • Liaison with all connected parties to open the township register at the Deeds Office.